The Brandon Sun Archives

Back in the first week of October 2023, I had been talking with the Brandon General Museum and Archives, and Matt Goerzen of the Brandon Sun about saving the Brandon Sun’s Archives. The Brandon Sun’s new location does not have space for the original newspapers, and while the Legislative Library has expressed interest the archives was soon to go to the landfill.  Our Archivist, Judith, and myself had taken a look and felt we could at least save 1900 to 1950, this would cover WWI and WWII.  The Brandon Sun also provided the shelving to store the newspapers. At the time, depending on the number of volunteers we felt we may be able to save more, perhaps volumes which include our museum’s history.  Opportunities like this do not happen often and it would be been a shame to see Brandon’s history go to the landfill.  In the end we had a great crew of volunteers.  It was decided that temporarily we would use a space in the east lean-to of the hangar.  Certainly not a permanent home but at least the opportunity to keep it safe, and the resulting time will hopefully mean a permanent home.  In the end we saved it all, something we can all be happy about!

This is an article from the Brandon Sun about this acquisition

submitted by Stephen Hayter, Museum Executive Director

a carload ready to take to the CATPM
Some of the Sun archives safely stored in the CATPM

Published by catpmuseum

The CATPM mission is to commemorate the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan by telling its story, preserving its artifacts, and paying tribute to the thousands of Air Force personnel, who gave their lives during WWII.

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