A New Year Message

The following is a message to all of our supporters and volunteers as we enter 2024, from Museum President, John McNarry.

A New Calendar year is ahead of us. The past year was interesting and challenging.

We have a lot more challenges to meet as we move forward with the Museum.

It will be a busy and interesting year.

I want to personally thank you all for your support and dedication to the CATPM. 

I hope you find the year to be rewarding as we continue in our efforts to preserve the story of the BCATP as well as the memory of those who sacrificed so much that we can enjoy living as we do. Happy New Year to all.

Thank you for supporting the CATPM.

John McNarry.

Published by catpmuseum

The CATPM mission is to commemorate the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan by telling its story, preserving its artifacts, and paying tribute to the thousands of Air Force personnel, who gave their lives during WWII.

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